Our secret to share, yours to keep

It’s a vision of a new kind of society where life, work, wellness, and pleasure coexist in effortless synergy; where the environment educates for sustainability and intelligent design contributes to a changing world.”
— Tara Medina, Co-founder
Hidden in paradise is a global community of makers and mavericks. If you want to join us, you’ll have to find us .
The vision for MUSA is a new kind of private community. Emerging from undiscovered jungle nestled amidst the scenic Sierra Madres and the Pacific’s unfiltered coastline, MUSA seeks to cultivate a vibrant township woven with a tapestry of conversation, creativity, and human connection. Getting back to basics and forging meaningful bonds with individuals who share an unwavering love for their respective pursuits – whether in music, visual arts, or other creative realms – we are drawn to those who seek mastery and delve passionately into the exploration of their craft. We aim to elevate those who seek depth rather than breadth.

For those looking to expand beyond their bubble and explore what is possible through meeting people they might not otherwise meet in their normal lives, this is the community for you. We want to be clear on one thing; we hand-select members based on their curiosity, drive to learn, and intentionality. The trappings of wealth, status, or affiliation weigh little here – what we care most about is your mind and if you are someone that can contribute to our shared commitment towards a future marked by artistic exploration, sustainable practice, and a relentless pursuit of personal and collective growth.

Upon arrival, a world unfolds where modern amenities will converge in a design-forward eco-city
—hosting world class wellness and spa facilities, immersive art playgrounds, live-work spaces, intentionally designed private residences, recording studio, beach club, and a town-centre with hybrid commercial and residential spaces. Outside of hospitality, our town will be a place where members can live. In our next phases we’ll be adding a school, horse stables, wellness practitioners (like doctors and dentists), and cultural and workshop spaces. The possibilities will be vast and limitless here. MUSA’s multi-sensory programming invites you to explore a new world of experiential living inspired by architecture, art, music, culinary delights, relaxation, and cultural explorations